Solving Code's Projects


Minecraft Clone Minecraft Clone

As part of the challenges I made to remake some famous projects and games, I tried to build my own version of Minecraft from scratch in a short period of time (~30 hours / 10 days). This version of Minecraft was made using C++ and OpenGL without the use of any game engine. This small […]

Noise Map Noise Map

It is a small project in which I’m making a noise map to illustrate some uses of the Perlin noise algorithm, which is used to generate random numbers that can be used in other applications, such as generating game maps. In this project, I created a small web application that generates a map of different […]

Everyday Engine Everyday Engine

Recently, I started a new project, in which I am creating a new game engine tool on the browser from scratch using Javascript. This project was in the first place a personal learning experience, and the idea behind it was to try to make powerful tools on the browser like game engines that would have […]